2020. 11. 9. 12:55ㆍApp(앱)
Incredible power requires no equipment. Just hold your smartphone and shake it to make your arm strong.
I don't have time to exercise and I don't want to work out even if I have time.
Now install the Incredible Power App on your smartphone and shake it like you're playing a game.
You can make strong arms without difficulty.
※ Major features
- Incredible power is free.
- It can be used anywhere for arm exercises.
- You can enjoy arm exercises like playing games.
- It's easy for everyone of all ages and sexes to use.
※ Arm motion method
- Run the Incredible Power.
- Select the level of difficulty for beginners, intermediate, and higher levels. Beginners are 10 seconds, intermediate is 30 seconds, advanced is 60 seconds.
- When the countdown starts, be careful not to press the button on the smartphone.
- When the instruction says "Go", shake it up and down as quickly as doing an arm exercise with a dumbbell.
(With the sound on, the sound is heard with the instruction Go.)
- If you update the highest score, you will hear a trumpet, and if you have a low score, you will hear a duck laughing.
- If you hear a sound, stop shaking your arm and check the score.
※ Recommended exercise method
(Good way to safely develop arm muscles)
- Select Beginner.
- 10 seconds break after game one.
- Do it twice more in the same way.
(Total Exercise 3 times)
※ Google Play Store : play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.syc.fg.ipower
인크레더블 파워 - Google Play 앱
인크레더블 파워는 아무 장비도 필요 없습니다. 단지 스마트폰을 들고 흔들기만 하면 튼튼한 팔을 만들어 줍니다. 운동을 하기에 시간이 없고 시간이 있어도 운동하기가 귀찮지요. 이제 인크레
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